You’ve probably heard all about blogging now, but why start a blog?
The question we get more often than not is how do you even make money from a blog?
Although blogging is well known, when you get talking to people you find that they don’t really know the ins and outs of it.
If that’s you, we will show you in this article why we think that you should be blogging.
I’d heard about blogging and after doing some research into it, I couldn’t believe how much money you could make from it!
It sounded like a dream come true, so we went for it!
After just nine months of starting our blog, I completely left my job and replaced my income from home.
A couple of years later we grew our blog to multiple six figures allowing Brittany to quit her teaching job and work from home as well.
Starting a blog was the best thing we ever did. Let’s look at why you should start one too!
Get FREE access to our step-by-step plan for starting a blog that makes $1,000 per month.
1) You Get to Create Something You Are Proud Of
I do believe that everyone wants to start a blog, but they just aren’t sure how.
Blogging gives you a creative outlet. A lot of the time, people start up a blog alongside a current job.
It’s so easy to get stuck in the cycle of working to pay the bills, and that may mean that your creativity isn’t flowing all of the time.
The best thing about starting up a blog is that you can write about whatever you want.
This means that you can explore any of your passions and see where it takes you.
It’s worth mentioning though, that not everything that you want to write about will make money. There are certain niches which always do better than others.
Putting your time and energy into something and seeing it do well and help people, is a lovely feeling.
2) You Are in Complete Control Over Your Income
One of the best reasons to start a blog (or a business in general) is that you are in complete control of your income.
You don’t have to rely on your boss to give you a pay rise or promotion – that’s down to you.
Have you ever worked for a company and the company has done really well, but it’s not been reflected in your pay packet?
It can be a bit disheartening if you personally put in a lot of work and get nothing.
The amount that you’re able to earn working for yourself depends on you. The more effort you put in, the more this should pay off.
Not only that, but this means that you can help your family out more financially.
In fact, we were able to grow our blog to $10,000 per month in under two years!
3) Complete Freedom to Control Your Time
No more asking your boss if it’s ok to take time off to see your kids recital.
No more asking your boss if you can go on vacation.
I don’t know about you, but I always hated asking someone for permission to do something.
Even something as simple as needing to quickly grab something from the store or going to the dentist.
When you are your own boss, you can decide when and how often you want to work.
Want to take every Friday off? Do it!
This can take a bit of adjusting to at first, but once you have a routine in place, you will love it.
What do you want to spend your days doing? This is up to you!
As a new business owner, you will have to work a lot, but you decide how much you work and what on.
Blogging will give you so much freedom because you are 100% in control.
Make sure that you schedule out your time to include breaks and family time. This blogging world can be addictive!
4) You Will Learn New Skills
This is something that a lot of people miss out on telling you when they talk about starting a business.
When you are running a business on your own, you will need to wear a lot of different hats.
This means learning about all areas of running a business and learning some incredible skills.
These skills can be transferable to other businesses as well – if you returned to employment at all, you would have all of these new skills to add to your resume.
One of the main parts of running a blog is writing. That doesn’t mean that you need to be the best writer in the world as you will improve as you go.
Blogging does require a lot of writing, so your writing skills will get better in no time.
You can even use services such as Grammarly to help you out when you get started.
Writing is a skill you can easily leverage to land freelance work to make money from home.
Along with writing, you will quickly get used to editing and proofreading your work.
This is where you will be checking over your work for any mistakes.
This will also come with improving your writing skills. When you know how you should write an article, you’ll know which mistakes to look out for.
Graphics Design
Another aspect of blogging that you may not know about yet is the graphic design you’ll do.
The main graphic design that you’d be doing is creating graphics for social media e.g. Instagram posts, pins for Pinterest, etc.
You will use new sites to do this such as Picmonkey or Canva. Those are the most common for bloggers but there are other ways such as using Photoshop, but this is more advanced.
Email Writing
This is another great skill to have under your belt. You will need to start an email list in order to keep people coming back to your site.
You will use your emails as a marketing tool to promote your blog and any products that you have.
There are lots of administrative tasks that are involved in running a blog, and this is a good skill to have.
The reason for this being that you will learn to multitask and see the day-to-day running of a business including driving traffic with social media and SEO.
A lot of bloggers do freelance work on the side, especially when they are just starting out.
You could offer out any of these new skills that you are learning to business owners, such as graphic design or writing.
Facebook Ads
Many businesses choose to run Facebook Ads as part of their marketing strategy.
If you go down this path, this is a great skill to have as not many people do this, and you could offer this as a freelance gig too.
5) Personal Growth
Starting something new is always challenging, but it can be so fulfilling as well.
Pushing yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try something new is always great for your personal growth.
If you’re wondering why to start a blog, this is one of the best reasons why.
As mentioned, there are lots of new skills that you will have to learn as a new blogger.
Learning new skills will expand your mind as well as your skillset. This will have a great effect on your confidence going forward.
Maybe you never felt as though you would be able to run your own business successfully. Now is that time to put your fears to bed!
It will be hard at first and take time to grow. As long as you stick with it and have a plan, it will all start bringing in a decent income over time.
6) You Can Make a Real Impact on Others
Do you have a lot of knowledge on a particular subject that you could share?
When it comes to starting a blog there will be fears thrown up about whether people will be interested or not.
Everyone has a different perspective and story, and you never know who needs to hear yours.
When readers reach out to you to let you know that you have helped them, there is nothing that compares to this.
You can truly help people with your perspective on the problems that they are facing, and your solutions.
You can change readers’ lives with the things that you write about.
7) Travel While Working
When people are trying to sell the blogging or freelance dream to you, it usually includes being able to travel.
Or being able to sit on the beach with a cocktail with thousands of dollars of sales rolling in.
Not to say that’s not possible! But that’s not what we are sharing here.
There is, however, the potential to go traveling while you are working on your blog.
Most of what you do on a blog will be done on a laptop or phone, so you can take your business with you when you go around the world!
You can also work on your blog at any time, so you can do this in the evening or first thing in the morning if needed. Even at the airport!
8) The Blogging Community is AMAZING
Once you get into the blogging world you will soon find that the community is awesome.
You may not be getting into blogging to make friends, but this will surely happen.
There are a lot of great Facebook groups for bloggers that you can join and chat with other bloggers. This is also a great way to network.
You may originally think of other blog owners as your competition, but try to avoid this.
You may be writing about the same subject, but you have your own unique voice.
As long as you all genuinely want to help your readers, then you’re on the same side.
Being able to talk to other people who are in the same situation as you, or who have been there, is priceless.
It isn’t all online either, as there are conferences and events that you can go to and meet other bloggers.
You are welcome to join our free Facebook group Blogging with Purpose.
9) You Are Your Own Boss
Does being your own boss appeal to you?
If you ask most people, they will say that they would rather be their own boss than work for one.
It sounds like a dream! But that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be really easy and wonderful from the get-go.
You will still have to work really hard and be able to manage your own time.
It can be difficult to juggle everything at first, but the freedom of being your own boss is worth it.
The main benefits of being your own boss are being able to choose what you do with your days and get paid the amount that you choose.
10) It’s Very Cheap to Start
Blogging has a minimal start-up cost especially when you compare it to other businesses.
You don’t need to buy real estate, inventory, equipment or any of the things that you would with a typical brick and mortar business.
The cost for starting up a blog is the hosting which is normally a couple of dollars each month. This is a tiny amount!
There are a lot of blogging resources you can spend money on that will help your growth but starting out you really don’t need much at all.
There are free blog themes, social media is free to use and you can create your own graphics with Canva.
Final Thoughts on Why You Should Start a Blog
We love blogging and it’s one of the best things that we’ve ever done. I knew that the job I was in wasn’t for me, and took the leap.
Life is short to not have the freedom to be doing what you love. With very little risk and crazy upside, why not start your own blog?
Get FREE access to our step-by-step plan for starting a blog that makes $1,000 per month.